FAQS about Insulights
Insulights can be seen at night a half mile away. It would resemble an LED Christmas light. We recommend one Insulight every 400 yards.
Insulights are made of the same High-Density Plastic used for most insulators. The only part that will need to be replaced is the #2032 battery that comes installed. It is a common watch battery.
The #2032 battery installed in the Insulight will typically last 18 months or more of continuous flashing.
Yes, Insulights come with the #2032 common watch battery already installed.
Insulights come with the battery already installed. It will flash in your hand or package due to static electricity. The flashing light simply means that they are working.
Insulights has been tested on Iowa fences for more than 2 years and performed well in temperatures ranging from -15 degrees in the winter to 115 degrees in the summer.
Insulights are the only insulator that is universal and works on all posts: Steel, T-posts and can be nailed to wood posts.
Insulights are universal and can be used with wire, tape, and braided electric fence wire.
Insulights components are made in the USA, (specifically in Iowa and Minnesota) and are assembled in Akron, Iowa.
Since Insulights has a hot electric wire attached, typically animals will avoid being shocked and will not attempt to chew on the Insulights.
Since Insulights are equipped with a battery, there is no ground wire needed.
Yes, unlike other electric fence monitors, Insulights are the positive indication that your fence is working. If they do not flash then there is a problem with the electric surge in your fence.
How do I change the battery?
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